Monday 24 March 2014

How I Became a Whovian

I didn't grow up watching Doctor Who, in fact I didn't grow up watching television at all. The only TV shows I can remember watching before the age of 12 was the Magic School Bus and Little House on the Prairie.
The first definite memory I have of Doctor Who is reading about the Amy and the Doctor in my Nana's TV Guide, which, for some reason left me with the impression that he'd crashed the TARDIS into her car instead of her shed. At that point I probably assumed that this Doctor was a member of the medical profession and therefore lost interest.
It didn't help that until last year I hated, loathed and despised all things Sci-fi.
I saw the show advertised on TV a few times after that but, the real blame for my descent into the madness and awesomeness that is the Doctor Who fandom goes to two of my friends Vida and Liv.
We all went to orchestra together, and after ignoring each other for a couple of years we finally discovered we had heaps in common and became instant friends. We would always have intense discussions during break about LOTR and Ranger's Apprentice, but there was one subject they would always talk about that I couldn't relate to, Doctor Who.
After a few months, I got so fed up with my utter ignorance in this area that I went home and watched Christopher Eccleston's first episode - Rose.
Due to my hate of sci-fi I was convinced that it would be rubbish and that I would hate it.
First impressions were not the best - I thought the theme music was, well a bit weird. And who was this random girl, where was the doctor? Why was I even watching this, maybe I should just go and watch Sherlock again.
I decided that it would be pathetic to stop watching after the first five minutes so I kept going.
It was the moment when The Doctor said 'nice to meet you Rose. Run for your life' that I knew there was absolutely NO going back.
I think it was the way he smiled evilly while he brandished his sticks of dynamite that did it, but whatever it was I was completely hooked and not even the living plastic rubbish bins had the power to dissuade me.
My subsequent obsession can be pretty well summed up in 'Let It Go' from Frozen.
For the first few weeks I didn't really want to mention I liked the show to people other than my Who-mad friends in case they shunned me in disgust. I mean, I'm homeschooled, wear glasses and read as though the world is about to end, I really didn't need any more weirdness in my life.                                                                                                                                                          At some point I just decided didn't care anymore, being a nerd was awesome, so I just let it all go.
Two years, 104 episodes, two pinterest boards, one concert, four tee-shirts and other assorted memorabilia later I am a MASSIVE fan and EVERYONE knows it whether they wanted to or not.
Oh, I also love Sci-fi and sing along to the Doctor Who theme song whenever I hear it.
I still haven't got around to watching Classic Who yet, but it's defiantly one of my goals.


  1. The Empty Child (this was at that point, literally the most terrifying thing I had ever seen)
  2. The Girl in the Fireplace (this episode was beautiful and sad)
  3. Blink (DON'T BLINK)
  4. The End of Time part 1&2 (I cried my eyes out for the last 15 minutes)
  5. Silence in the Library (books, man-eating shadow and River Song what could be better)
  6. The Time of Angels (I didn't need to sleep anyway)
  7. The Big Bang (Something old something new, something borrowed and something blue)
  8. The Wedding of River Song (Doctor Who?)
  9. Partners in Crime (DONNA!!!!!!!!!)
  10. The Angels Take Manhattan (Cried for about half an hour afterwards and was depressed for the rest of the week)
Let me know your favourite episodes in the comments?
How did you start watching Doctor Who?

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