Saturday 31 January 2015

The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies - SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY

This review is massively biased and basically involves me telling you how sad I found the movie, read on if you dare.

I cried all the tears when I saw BOTFA. It was literally the most traumatising movie experience of my life (and I am still not over it). I'm watching Lord of the Rings at the moment, and the feels are so much more intense now. I pretty much started crying again when they mentioned Thorin while they were in the Mines of Moria.
During the movie, I was sitting next to my friend Vida who is, thank goodness as good at remaining unemotional in the face of the deaths of attractive dwarves as I am. So yeah, we basically bawled our eyes out for like the last three-quarters of an hour of the movie while our less emotional friends and miscellaneous members of my family observed us with a mixture of disbelief and cynical amusement (they're a hard-hearted bunch). I feel slightly less pathetic than I might have due to the fact that the grown man seated next to us was also crying his heart out as well, I sympathise random stranger I really do.
The deaths were just so tragic though! First Fili dies afraid and alone, then Kili dies. I didn't really adore the character of Tauriel, but I actually didn't mind the whole Kili/Tauriel love thing in the third movie, mainly because Kili dies while she's trying to save him and I have a thing for tragic love stories.
And don't even get me started on Thorin's death, (all the tears). You have to admit though, dwarves can be a bit thick sometimes, I was all like Thorin, don't follow Azog while he's floating under the ice, it's obviously a devious trap, and guess what, it totally was. I suppose he had to though, so his death could be all sad and poetic and all that (and it definitely was). I cried the second time I saw the movie as well, yeah, I am that pathetic.

Overall, I totally loved the movie. I am a massive, massive fan of all things Middle Earth, so I have loved The Hobbit Trilogy. It was really nice to get three more movies after I thought the whole Middle Earth thing was over after LOTR.
I didn't really have a problem with how the movies deviated from the book, when you actually read The Hobbit, you can kind of tell it was written as a kids book. It's a great book and perfectly written, but I can see why some of the content and the tone was changed, the dwarves are well, a bit too jolly and the coloured hoods would have just made them look like the seven dwarves off Snow White. Plus, they had to tie The Hobbit movies in with LOTR, so they had to be a bit darker and involve Sauron and all that kind of stuff. Personally, I really enjoyed all the little links back to LOTR and I liked that the movies were quite dark.

My favourite moments from BOTFA were:
  • Galadriel. She is totally awesome, just saying. It was super cool how it looked like she'd passed out or something and then she went completely terrifying and blasted Sauron and his minions all the way to Mordor. It was like the most epic thing ever. Loved that entire scene basically. It was hilarious how Gandalf was being carried like he didn't weigh anything. I also loved it how the 'nine rings for mortal men doomed to die' lines were said in the movie.
  • Thranduil. He's so pretty and majestic. I've had a massive crush on Thranuil since the first movie when he came all the way to Erebor with his massive army to say 'LOL no'.
    I like how the elves are really graceful and the way they fight is beautiful, especially when it's Thranduil doing the fighting. Highlights for me were when he rode his elk through the gate, speared like six orcs and then cut off their heads, and when his elk got killed and he did a spectacular drop and roll off it and came up fighting, FANGIRLS!!!!! Seeing the elves makes me want to be all athletic and fit and be able to swing from trees and jump across moving barrels, and I get motivated to go and exercise for like 5 minutes and then I see a cupcake and it's all over.
  • Death of Smaug, I like how they made you think Bard was totally going to slay Smaug with his puny long-bow but then it was all like dun-na-na BLACK ARROW. I laughed when he used his son as an aiming mechanism, that was hilarious.
  • The battle of the five armies. Billy Connolly as a dwarf, riding a pig into battle = hilarious+awesome. I definitely was not expecting that to happen. The dwarf shield wall has to be one of the best parts of the battle. I was totally expecting the orc side to slam into the dwarves and then suddenly a bunch of elves just vault over the top #majestic!
  • When Thorin realised he was basically becoming Smaug. I loved how the gold from the melted statue hardened over the whole floor, wish my house looked like that. I loved all the symbolism of that scene and how it looked like there was a dragon under the gold and then the dragon sort of melted into Thorin's shadow and he realised that even though Smaug was dead, he was becoming like him. Extra points for his majestic entrance after he decided to go back to being Thorin Oakenshield!
  • How the end of The Hobbit was the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring. I was hoping it would end like that and I wasn't disappointed.
Things I didn't like so much:
  • Alfrid. I thought he had WAAAAY too many scenes. I just thing that some (most actually) of his screentime could have been given to more deserving characters like Fili or Kili (and I wouldn't have complained at more Thranduil time!) If I was Bard I probably would have just let the angry townsfolk kill him just to stop his annoying whining!
  • I would have liked there to be more Fili scenes, he's Thorin's heir and everything and a cool character so I wish he'd had some more scenes focused on him.
Seeing the movies has definitely inspired me to go and re-read/read Tolkien's works.
What did you think of BOTFA? Let me know in the comments.
Also, which is your favourite Tolkien book? I'm trying to decide what to read after I've finished re-reading The Hobbit.

Friday 23 January 2015

Doctor Who - Season 8


First of all, I have no idea how I'm going to wait nine months for more Doctor Who, where's a handy time machine when you need it!!

Overall, I really really liked Season 8. Peter Capaldi is an amazing Doctor, possibly my favourite yet.  At first, I wasn't sure whether I would really like him, when it was announced that Peter Capalidi would be playing The Doctor, I was like 'what! he's a bit old, I want someone young and goodlooking like Matt Smith,' (shallow I know, I like to think I've grown as a person since then). After his eyebrows showed up in the 50th I started to change my mind however. Then I saw him in The Musketeers (which is a great show by the way) I knew he was going to be amazing, and he was and long story short I will not be judging anyone's potential in a role based on their age again. I love the sarcasm and the Scottishness and the attack eyebrows.

Clara however, not so much. I've tried really hard to like Clara, but it just doesn't seem to work sometimes. Some episodes she's alright, and I think, maybe Clara's not so bad after all, and then she totally ruins it by being all judgemental and hypocritical and overall annoying. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Jenna Louise Colman, it's just that I don't like the way Clara is portrayed as a character. For example, one minutes she's judging The Doctor for not listening to people and always making choices on others behalf's then the next minute she's doing it herself. For example, in Kill The Moon she asks the peoples of the world what they want her to do about the giant moon egg, they're all like 'please kill it we don't want to die' and Clara is basically like 'LOL no, I do what I want' and totally ignores them. And her lowest point (well one of them anyway) is at the end of that same episode, she's been going on at The Doctor for not letting her make decisions or whatever, so he goes away and lets her run the show for once and when he comes back she lays into him for being patronising and abandoning her. Get a life Clara, stop judging The Doctor, he's much older and wiser than you and is a bit better qualified to make decisions that involve the lives of everyone on earth.
Sorry about that rant, I had to get it out of my system somehow.
To be fair though, she did have some good moments, I really liked her in Flatline, Robots of Sherwood and the Finale and the Christmas Special.

My favourite episodes in Season 8 are as follows:
  • Robots of Sherwood: This episode was really light-hearted and funny. I loved the witty banter between Robin and The Doctor. "I am The Doctor and this is my spoon" is possibly one of my favourite quotes in the whole season.
  • Flatline: I thought this was the creepiest episode in a while and I love the creepy episodes. The moving 2D creatures were sort of terrifying, also the nervous system wall pictures. Loved the Addams Family reference :)
  • Dark Waters/Death in Heaven: These episodes were full of things I did not expect!!! Missy pretty much took me by surprise! Also, I cried quite a bit at the end. Yes, Doctor Who makes me cry, don't get me started on Vincent and The Doctor.
I might do some longer and more detailed reviews of individual episodes later.
I cannot wait for Season 8 and more awesome acting from Peter Capaldi :)
In the meantime 'Don't be lasagna!'
What did you think of The Doctor and Clara?
What were your favourite episodes?
Please comment below and  let me know.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Death-Star Crumpet

I haven't posted for a while, so I thought I'd share this picture of a crumpet I ate that looked vaguely like the Death Star from Star Wars.
You're welcome.

That's no moon!!!