Sometimes, customers can be a little bit annoying. As employees, it is our job to serve them to the best of our abilities and be polite and courteous doing it. But, in my opinion that doesn't give customers the right to just do whatever the heck they want.
As someone who works in a supermarket, the thing that annoys me the most, is when people, instead of putting stuff they've decided they don't want, just dump it somewhere random and leave. This is especially bad if it's, as is often the case, an extremely perishable product which needs certain conditions to remain safe for consumption,
Here's a few of the things I've found in my one tiny department
- A twelve pack of Coca-Cola
- Assorted bags of lollies
- A fancy gift box of chocolate
- Tomatoes
- A whole sack of potatoes. Yes, someone left a whole sack of potatoes on the bread shelf. What made this even more pathetic was the fact the fruit and vege section was all of ten feet away. Guess who got to drag that sack of potatoes back to where it belonged.
- A not-so-frozen-anymore frozen cheesecake. Dear customer, you do realise that we can no longer sell that product and it has to be thrown out because it would be in violation of health and safety codes if we put that now soggy dairy product back in the freezer.
- And my personal favourite: someone took a single courgette from the vege section, and instead of returning it, they pushed apart the stacks of bread I had just shelved, hid the courgette behind them and then restacked the bread. Why. Would, You, Even. Do. That!!!!
Basically, if you are at a supermarket or any other shop for that matter, and you decide you don't want to buy something anymore, just have a tiny amount of decency and go and put it back. Don't be a terrible human being and just shove it somewhere.
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