Sunday, 17 May 2015


Hi everyone,
The reason I haven't been posting for like years is because:
1. this guy in a blue box crash-landed on my shed and I ran off to have adventures in time and space...
2. I had lots of essays and not enough sleep meaning I spent my free time either a. crying because my
    essay was too hard or b. binge watching episodes of Criminal Minds and then being filled with
    anxiety because I hadn't studied enough.

Some of my favourite things about/around uni.

  1. The Hunter Lounge: specifically their curly fries and croissants. I spend waaaaay too much money on food there but the curly fries are just too good to resist (whispers myyyy preeeecccious).
  2. The quiet room at the library: the seats are comfy and its quiet, ie I can actually hear the episode of Criminal Minds which I am watching instead of studying.
  3. The 'free' wi-fi: I probably paid for it with my heinously expensive uni fees, but still it's unlimited and means that I can stream those TV show episodes I am definitely not watching
  4. The view of the harbour: If you go up to one of the top floors of the library on a good day the view is AMAZING.
  5. The fact that you can borrow movies and laptops from the library for free, sadly I haven't done this recently due to the fact that pointless and unnecessary distractions such as essays and lectures have gotten in the way. 
  6. The opportunity to make heaps of new friends and see old ones more often (Hi Louisa).
  7. The freedom to do what I want, when I want to: eg, I have the freedom to not go to lectures and the freedom to cry about the fact I failed all my subjects because I didn't go to lectures (ha ha joking, I'm that one smug person who turns up to all (well most) of their classes).
  8. The opportunity to learn about heaps of new things I would otherwise have never even know about.
Anyway, that's it for today as I have another essay due tomorrow morning.
Hopefully I will be able to post again sometime in the next ten years :)

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