Monday, 20 October 2014


My exams start next week so I am frantically studying. Due to this I won't be blogging until they are over. See you in November.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Doctor Who Gift Box Part 2 - River Song/TARDIS Box

After making the Sonic Screwdriver, I decided to make a box to put everything in.
I decided to decorate the box to look like the River Song Journal I was going to make as part of the present (I will post about the journal later).
I started by finding a box of the right size.
The box I ended up with was really pretty and I was kind of sad to paint over it, but it ended up looking awesome in the end.

Things I used:
  • A box
  • Thick cardboard
  • A craft knife
  • Glue
  • Various shades of blue paint
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Mod Podge

Original box, this is the bottom, it had a black lid.

I used this blog post about someone who did a DIY River Song Journal as a reference

I started out by measuring the size of the box and then drawing an accurate rectangle of that size onto my cardboard.
Then I used the ruler to pencil in the lines I would need to cut along.
Basically, it looked like this:

When I'd done that, (and it took agggggeeeees) I used a craft knife to cut along all the black lines.
I didn't write down the measurements I used as I basically made it up as I went along, and anyway I had to constantly trim bits off so all the pieces fitted together right.
What I found helped, was looking at the example I found online and then trimming the pieces until they looked the same distance apart as the example.
Then, I stuck it all on piece by piece.

After that, my sister (she's good with colours) helped me mixed up different blue paints until I was happy with the colour. Then I painted it.

I painted in stages, doing one side at a time, using a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.
I then went back and covered up any spots I missed. The main thing to watch out for is the gaps around the squares, the paint tends to pool in there and then dry so I kept scooping out the extra paint with a toothpick or paintbrush.


When I'd done that I mixed up a lighter blue paint and painted the inside of the box and the lid.
Then I used Mod Podge to glaze and seal all the surfaces.