Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Whovian Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

My sister and I are massive Doctor Who fans. So, in order to celebrate our obsession and the upcoming Christmas special (for which I am not at all ready, RIP 11th Doctor,[weeps in corner]) we decided to have a Whovian Christmas.
The first item on the list was, of course a Christmas Tree (which sadly neither explodes or attempts to decapitate people).


  • River Song diaries (SPOILERS)
  • A fourth Doctor scarf
  • Miniature 3D glasses
  • Van Gogh exploding TARDIS paintings
  • A 3D cardboard TARDIS tree topper
  • Miniature weeping angels
  • Blue and silver tinsel
All of the decorations (apart from the tinsel) were either made or assembled by me or my sister.
The TARDIS we used as a tree topper can be found here https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=tardis&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=wVa6UsmuDMrlkAXoiYDIBA&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=613#facrc=_&imgdii=_baqCqZo9vcGIM%3A%3BTlZFxNiPV9WFyM%3B_baqCqZo9vcGIM%3A&imgrc=_baqCqZo9vcGIM%3A%3BVKypi8ndU7JmSM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.velofille.com%252Fuploads%252FPrintable-tardis-3d-color.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Flizquilty.com%252F2011%252F09%252F21%252Fdiy-paper-or-card-3d-tardis-printable%252F%3B1602%3B1845
or, if this link doesn't work, just look on Google images.
I just Googled 3D glasses and reduced the picture I found until it was the right size for the tree, made several copies, printed and cut them out. I did the same for the exploding TARDIS paintings (I glued ribbon loops to the back so they could be hung up.
I will post tutorials/instructions for the scarf, weeping angels and diaries at a later date.
I am very very happy with the way this tree turned out.

Prefect for detection void radiation

Vincent and the Doctor

SPOILERS (admit it, you said it in River's voice!)
The Angels have the phone box

Don't blink. Blink and you're dead!
Being the crafty Doctor Who mad individuals we are we did not stop with the Christmas tree, we also created our very own gingerbread TARDIS (complete with marshmallow Adipose)

The measurements are:
Base - 5 x 5 in
Doors - 4.5 x 8 in - x4
Roof - 4 1/4 x 4 1/4 in
Corners - 8x.5 in - x8
Txt Box - .5 x 3.5 in - x4
I found them on this Youtube video (which also does a tutorial)
I also used the following Youtube tutorial video:

Monday, 16 December 2013

Hobbit Goody-bag

Last week my sister went with her friend to see a special screening of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
I thought she would just go and watch the movie and possibly get a few free cinema lollies, but no, that is not how it turned out.
She came home with this goody bag.

A feast fit for a hungry Hobbit
Everyone in the theatre received one as they went in.
Included in this goody bag were:
  • A Hobbit biscuit
  • A bottle of 'Dragon Quencher' (water)
  • A key ring
  • A Elven ring (a gift from Rivendell)
  • Lolly spiders with a miniature Sting
  • 'Fireworks' (popping candy)
  • Mithril Ore (candy coated chocolate pieces)
  • Leaf pipes (fruit candy sticks)
  • A ticket to the movie
  • A red velvet cupcake with a Hobbit hole decoration (sadly this was devoured before my sibling returned home)
  • 'Second Lunch' lolly bag (also devoured pre-photo shoot)

These goody bags were produced by Christine from Imaginarium Cakes and I think it was a really cool idea. Needless to say I shall be spending the next few weeks attempting to convince my sister to let me borrow or consume various items from the bag.